In this article, we’ll explore how you can leverage the powerful capabilities of the Performance Objectives app to create basic…
Task prioritization can sometimes be challenging, as every issue may seem important. Despite teams committing to completing issues in specific…
Take a closer look at each of the available gadgets in the Performance Objectives: Charts for Jira app and explore the best ways to use them.
We’re excited to introduce new reporting options that enhance Sprint analysis through our updated filtering features and metrics. This article…
Performance Objectives: Charts for Jira app provides a wide range of chart types through its gadgets, allowing you to effectively…
Configuration overview of the app’s robust features and a comprehensive list of Standard and Custom metrics and fields supported by the app, enabling powerful Jira reporting.
Accurate Tracking of Work Log Time by Work Log Author with Performance Objectives App As highlighted in our blog post,…
Performance Objectives is the flagship gadgets of the app, allowing you to leverage its powerful capabilities to create impressive and insightful bar charts.
If you need to track the Time spent by Assignee in Jira, you may have encountered difficulties in generating accurate…
Diverse Jira Dashboards with Seamless Integration of Charts, Tables, and Tiles With our app, Jira users can elevate their user…