Target Label Aliasing

Performance Objectives‘ and ‘Performance Trend‘ dashboard gadgets empower users with a robust ‘Target’ feature, enabling real-time performance monitoring directly from their Jira data. This streamlines your performance management processes and supports your OKR strategy right on your Jira dashboards.

As an added benefit, our app allows you to set a custom name for your target, providing further flexibility and personalization. To do so, simply access the ‘More Settings’ of the app when the Target section is activated, and you can tailor the Target Label to best suit your reporting needs.

Empower Your Reporting with Target Label Customization

The advantages of the feature are undeniable: by default, the label is set as ‘Target,’ but you hold the power to rename it according to the specific context of your report, such as ‘Max Average’, ‘Min’, ‘Goal’, ‘Budget’, etc., ensuring your data’s clarity and relevance.

You can effortlessly position the label on either the left or right of your chart, or even choose to hide it when necessary. This level of control grants Jira users a highly personalized and interactive reporting experience. Imagine the benefits of this feature: it helps users create reports that are not only insightful but also tailor-made to their unique requirements, enhancing data visualization, and decision-making.

Please review the available target label visualization options below.

When target is set per x-axis item:

When target is set per x-axis item:

Related articles you may find valuable: Target resultsTarget typesWarning Threshold.

Start your 30 days free trial of Performance Objectives: Charts for Jira from Atlassian Marketplace.

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