Sprint Commitment State Report

Using the Performance Objectives app, you can leverage a variety of sprint-related metrics and fields to build comprehensive sprint reports directly on your Jira dashboard. By analyzing these reports, teams can gain valuable insights into their sprint performance, identify areas for improvement, and ensure more accurate sprint planning in the future.

The Sprint Commitment State Report is an essential tool for agile teams looking to enhance their sprint planning and execution. This report allows you to examine the composition of story points committed, completed, not committed, and not completed on a sprint-by-sprint basis.

Key Insights from Analyzing the Sprint Commitment State Report

Analyzing a Sprint Commitment State Report provides key insights into your team’s performance and planning accuracy. By comparing committed to completed story points, you can gauge predictability and identify scope creep from added story points. This helps evaluate sprint planning effectiveness and workload management, ensuring the team isn’t overcommitting or undercommitting. Additionally, the report highlights opportunities for continuous improvement by pinpointing bottlenecks and process inefficiencies. Overall, these insights enable better sprint planning, capacity management, and more effective stakeholder communication.

See the instructions on building this report with the Performance Objectives gadget for Jira.

Step 1: Add a Data Source. In our example, we’ve filtered our demo project “AQUA” and disabled the date range to view all previous sprints.

Step 2: Select ‘Story Points’ metric.

Step 3: Choose ‘Sprint’ for the ‘Display by’ field.

Step 4: Select a sprint board you want to analyze.

Step 5: Stack by the ‘Sprint commitment state’ field.

Here’s a step-by-step configuration video for this report:

For an overview of sprint-related metrics, fields, and reports built with the Performance Objectives app, visit these articles or explore the powerful features supported by the app in our User Guide.

Start your 30 days free trial of Performance Objectives: Charts for Jira from Atlassian Marketplace.

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